Friday 1 June 2012

Sriwijaya Air slip over runaway in Supadio June 2012

Pesawat Sriwijaya Air tergelincir keluar jalur runway di Bandara Supadio Pontianak hari Jumat 1 Juni 2012. Tidak ada korban jiwa, tetapi arus penerbangan di Supadio mengalami penundaan yang signifikan. Berikut foto-foto berasal dari jejaring sosial yang terkumpul hingga petang jam 2 sore waktu Pontianak.

Sriwijaya Air no penerbangan SJ 188 terperosok di jalur runway akibat cuaca hujan lebat. Lalu lintas penerbangan di Supadio akan ditutup hingga pemberitahuaan selanjutnya.

Sriwijaya Air hit soil and over runway at Supadio Airport Pontianak around mid day on June 1 2012. No immediately report of life casualties and it seems this is only minor accident. Indonesia had just suffered from worst air disaster following Sukhoi test flight in May 2012. Photos from social network.

Sriwijaya Air SJ 188 type 737-400 landing on Supadio at 12.35 WIB, heavy rainfall on that time and the slip to the left side of runway 15. All 163 passengers including two children and infants were safe. But information circulated that air traffic in Supadio Pontianak will disrupted until further notice.

Sriwijaya Air terperosok. Gambar berasal dari jejaring sosial dan Blackberry Indonesia.

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