Thursday 13 February 2014

Gunung Kelud Sembur Abu Volcanic 2014

Gunung Kelud di Jawa Timur secara mendadak menyemburkan abu vulkanik yang sangat banyak di malam tanggal 13 February 2014, tepatnya pukul 23:29 malam.

Berita langsung dari badan pengawas Vulkano international adalah:

Kelut volcano (East Java, Indonesia): large explosive eruption
Thursday Feb 13, 2014 20:32 PM | BY: T

It seems that a large eruption started at the volcano at 23:29 local time today. VAAC Darwin reports an ash plume to 45,000 ft (15 km) altitude is drifting 50 nautical miles to the west of the volcano. The alert status was raised to the highest level.
Local news suggest heavy ash fall (up to gravel sized) in distances of 15-40 km. Volcanologists on duty at the VSI observatory post left because to the danger posed by the eruption; Indonesian Civil Defense (BNPB) urged people living within 10 km of the volcano to evacuate. Indonesian government set up more than 70 evacuation shelters in areas around the volcano. (sources)

"....Volcanic ash from a major eruption in Indonesia shrouded a large swath of the country's most densely populated island on Friday, closed three international airports and sent thousands fleeing. ..." (source)

Semburan abu vulkanik ini secara langsung mempengaruhi jadwal pelayanan penerbangan di tiga kota besar di daerah tersebut, yaitu : Solo (bandara Adi Sumarmo), Jogja (bandara Adi Sucipto) dan Surabaya (bandara Juanda). Selain itu otomatis bandara di Malang dan kota besar sekitar Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah berhenti memberangkatkan penumpang.

CCTV Gunung Kelud , sore tanggal 13 Feb 2014 jam 17:50

Foto abu Volkano Gunung Kelud, 14 February 2014

Foto di bandara Juanda Surabaya, Abu Gunung Kelud 2014

Prakiraan penyebaran abu Gunung Kelud yang meletus tanggal 13 February 2014 malam,
dilaporkan hingga pagi tanggal 14 February 2014 telah menyebar hingga Tasikmalaya dan Bali

Foto tumpukan hujan abu di kota Jogja, Gunung Kelud 2014

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