Tuesday 22 July 2014

Joko Widodo Declared New Indonesia President

As the final real count summarized by it legitimate commission, known as KPU, Joko Widodo was then declared as the winner of the poll. Joko Widodo received 53.15% vote versus rival Prabowo Subianto 46.85%. In this truly contrast poll, Joko Widodo seen as new guy with clean record and work orientated officier, bringing new hope to Indonesia. On the other side, ex-general Prabowo Subianto was struggle to get himself out of dark human abused records. Prabowo also the richer side with conglomerate and media tycoon backing. The official declaration of winner had been announced at the evening of 22nd July 2014.

Joko Widodo paired with vice president Jusuf Kalla and will run presidential job from 2014 to 2019.

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