Thursday 20 September 2012

Jokowi Wins Jakarta in Quick Count

In the battle of Jakarta no.1 2012 elections, Joko Widodo and Basuki wins the quick counts as per 16:00pm local time. The quick count favor the challenger to incumbent Fauzi Bowo - Nara in average 53% to 47%. The quick count done by many independent and press association, here the final snapshot.

Perebutan pilkada Jakarta 2012 telah mencapai hasil akhir untuk quick count / hitung cepat. Calon Joko Widodo - Basuki "Ahok" unggul dengan rata-rata 53% atas 47% terhadap pasangan bertahan Fauzi Bowo "Foke" - Nara. Berikut screen shot dari beberapa lembaga survey terpercaya.

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