Friday, 31 October 2014

Ebola Suspect Reported in Madiun Indonesia

Indonesia is on high alert after their strongest Ebola-suspect case reported, this afternoon October 31st 2014. The case was reported in Madiun city, East Java province, 664,7 km from Jakarta. This is actually the fourth recent case found from Indonesia, the highest populated country in South East Asia. All previous three suspect were tested negative.

The alert put on high when a foreign worker (known as TKI - Tenaga Kerja Indonesia) that come back from work from Nigeria. At the moment, suspect was under guarantine zone in dr Soedono General Hospital, Madiun. Suspect experienced similar symptom such as in malaria, high fever, followed by vomit and diarrhea.

From official, expert laboratory analyst  Professor Tjandra from related health agency said that his lab is ready to accept blood test from this Madiun-suspect. If tested positive, this can be the first serious Ebola virus (Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF)) found, after global outbreak in Africa and Europe. The newly form government under President Joko Widodo will wait anxiously to hear the result by now.