Saturday, 5 April 2014

MH370 Plausible 37.5 kHz Signal is Encouraging Lead

After almost a month of search and rescue for the mysterious Malaysian Flight MH370, on April 5th 2014, Chinese ship detected a signal that may be belong to MH370.

Chinese ship Haixun 01 detected a 37.5 kHz (kilo Hertz) signal that being used by MH370 black box, the Malaysian confirmed this info. The leader of search and rescue operation Retired Air Marshall Angus Houston just do a press conference in Perth, saying the discovery is now going to undergo serious verification. The Australian reported that if this signal is confirmed belong to MH370, the operation is going from virtually impossible to the plausible, also "if this is the pulse, you're going from tens of thausands of miles to tens of miles... this becomes a viable search region." - quoted by 

MH370 updates - Sunday April 6th, 2014
- Haixun 01 detected signal 37.5 kHz that being used by MH370 blackbox. This signal is man-made noise and can't be mistaken by , say, dolphin, whale or sea noises.
- Australian vessel Ocean Shield also is investigating a separate acoustic detection

Angus Houston - Airplanes Sent to Verify Pulse signals

Angus Houston - (MH370 plausible 37.5 kHz ) Pulse Signal Detected by Chinese Ship

Angus Houston - Pulse Signal Important and Encouraging Lead

Angus Houston - Pulse Signals Detected Still Not verified

- Singapore's Mediacorp live report

Kapal laut China mendeteksi sinyal di gelombang 37.5 kHz. Gelombang ini dipergunakan oleh banyak pengguna termasuk yang paling penting dipergunakan oleh kotak hitam MH370. Gelombang ini ditemukan di daerah yang lebih selatan dari daerah pencarian di Samudra India. Komando SAR pencarian MH370 , purnawirawan Angus Houston menyatakan bahwa penemuan ini sangat baik, namun belum diverifikasi kebenarannya.

Sementara itu kapal laut Australia juga menyelidiki gelombang akustik lainnya yang dideteksi di wilayah lain.

Penemuan ini adalah yang paling menjanjikan setelah selama hampir 1 bulan, pesawat Boeing 777 MAS MH370 hilang. Pencarian selama beberapa hari terakhir difokuskan di daerah selatan Samudra India yang dipimpin oleh mantan mariner Angus Houston.